“Super Vision” Monthly Mentoring Program 

Every month brought information that was relevant to me and my business in real time.
Carol Richards, Drums Alive Trainer, Classes with Carol

In this monthly group Online call, Christine brings four practices of teaching, skill development, leading, and discussions to help you further your intentions to bring healing through rhythm and sound.  This intimate program is limited to 20 participants; only open to those who have completed advanced training and have experience in leading rhythms for healing.


This 1.5 hour monthly ZOOM call includes;   
1.  Christine’s teachings on relevant topics
2.  Practice leading each other in break-out rooms with healing rhythms and other skills

3.  Practice creating a healing rhythm using the 3 keys to healing
4.  Q and A – getting feedback on new ideas, asking questions, etc.

Teaching Topics Include:
  • Pre and Post-Event Marketing – how to make the most of any event.
  • Selling – fee menu in a changing economy
  • Tool of the Trade – editing videos, marketing materials, branding
  • Spiritual practices including drums – creating and leading a healing rhythm practice in break – out rooms
  • Combining drums & ambient instruments for somatic awareness, using drum massage
  • Setting up workshops and events, finding clients


2ND Session Dates:
Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5pm pacific time USA for 1.5 hours; all calls are recorded with lifetime access.

September 10
October 8
November 12

This 2nd program of 2024 is offered at $20/month or $60 paid in full.

I look forward to serving you in a way that is guided by over 25 years of making a LIVING doing drum circles!

Happy drumming,

Two Convenient Options For You!

Pay in Full – $120
Send to PAYPAL
VENMO @christine-stevens-upbeat

UPBEAT DRUM CIRCLES          Encinitas, CA, Jackson Hole, WY           Phone: (310) 770-3398